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Day11: We are losing

We all are going through a process and adventure which leads to a destination. Hopefully we can change the way we see our destination but it will remain the same. Every moment of our existence is attached to something big, bigger than aur believes, our opinions, our perceptions , fears , insecurities, achievements and failures . We can experience anything except the moment we have left behind ,even if they are at some magical place where we can always go by just closing eyes and relaxing our bodies but we can't actually be in that moment because we have grown from that time .those are our parts layer down by time but when we see closely we can't fit in their now.

When he said “ One day you are going to look back and reflect on this period of time and -miss it", I have already acknowledged how far I have come across and has started missing the lost version of myself or the past version of myself which I can't be now. One year back from now when I realised some bitter truths of reality. I accepted them as truth as from now on they are going to be my reality. But ironically there is nothing such things as reality it's all our perceptions with shapes our way of looking at things. It's all are perceptions over time which changes and takes new form. So hey! guess what? Even if you are going through the hell, the darkest days of your life and you feel like it's Never Going to Change. Trust me!, There is nothing such thing as certainty. We are surrounded by uncertainty, 1 year back from now, do you remember the biggest challenge you were facing? do you remember how happy you were or how sad you were for something? and do those things really matter right now . If you look back and just reflect it to your present, you will realise how much you have grown? how your preferences has been changed ? and how you miss your one year younger self .I am missing her ,cause she had the power to be vulnerable . I miss my vulnerable self. How Alone she used to feel in her own skin. How she smiled in crowd but when she Be Alone she feels unloved and betrayed . How she used to take everything personally? I miss the time one year back I miss the darkness. I know and I have acknowledge the sadness of the fact that. One year from now you will be at some other place where I will be missing my present self I might have different priorities and stories about my past.

When I see my life as a whole I wonder how lost we are in making a life of our dreams that we are not actually living it at this moment. Time when you fail when but you don't sit back. you felt devastated and lost and defeated and feel like success is still Moon away . But then you realised life is the process of gaining and losing. We work so hard to make a life without realising that we are going to lose that too. We might attain some position, some certain numbers of money , same fans, friends but at the end how much time you have invested with yourself and how much time you remained at present even after being attracted by glorious past and wish full future is what really matters.

So win and lose everyday . Let people laugh on you and join them sometimes. Laugh over your mistakes. Don't take yourself and life too seriously . Be grateful to everything you have and give anything you could . Do whatever you would like to do and don't let fear befriend you . Be kind to yourself because you're worth it and remember to remain in present acknowledge its beauty and its pain.

keep going.

I'll meet u at the top

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